
All psychologists are medicare approved.

In order to receive a Medicare rebate, you must be referred to a psychologist by an appropriate medical practitioner (GP, psychiatrist or pediatrician). The doctor must first make an assessment that you need the services of a psychologist.

Medicare_Services Provided by


There are a number of Australian Government initiatives under which psychologists are eligible to provide services under Medicare. To provide services, psychologists must meet the eligibility requirements for the particular Medicare item, as set out in the information on these web pages.

Medicare benefits are available for a range of specified psychology services for people with certain conditions, as summarised below. To receive psychological services under Medicare, a person must be referred by his/her GP or in some instances by a psychiatrist or a paediatrician. The full requirements for provision of psychological services in the following areas must be understood before services are provided.

Eligible clients  No. of services per client 

People with an assessed mental disorder


Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative 

Up to 12 individual services and an additional 6 services in exceptional circumstances (to a maximum total of 18 individual services per calendar year) AND up to 12 group therapy services per calendar year